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17 February 2016
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The "Digital Wallonia plan: The Digital Strategy Plan of Wallonia" was adopted at the beginning of 2016 with a lot of expectations and initiatives. It is the result of work that began several months earlier through the exercise of "Digital spring" that mobilised a large number of both private and public Walloon stakeholders.

2 February 2016
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We face risks all the time but we have learned to manage them by making smart decisions, both in our personal lives and in our professional environment. The question is, are we really making the smartest decisions to fully protect our companies?

2 February 2016
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We face risks all the time but we have learned to manage them by making smart decisions, both in our personal lives and in our professional environment. The question is, are we really making the smartest decisions to fully protect our companies?

12 November 2015
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The largest Angular conference to date recently closed its doors. Since Trasys is investing in the AngularJS framework we could not stand by and watch things unravel from a distance. We simply had to go over there and take a deep dive.

1 October 2015
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Inertia is the biggest enemy of innovation. People want to work with familiar tools and upgrading to a newer tool is always a big challenge if re-training is required. Even though software development is considered a progressive discipline with a continuous flow of new technologies, there are still some areas when the status quo goes unchallenged.

3 September 2015
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In order for banks to streamline all their mobile initiatives, they need to adopt a mature digital operating model. This will result in four major benefits.

19 August 2015
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Successfully implemented software is not only about writing code, but comes from a development process that ensures productivity and quality. The cornerstone of such a process is continuous integration, where code and other work realised by the development team are automatically pooled and verified as a whole.


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