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The technology landscape is changing fast and is reshaping many industries at a pace that has never been seen before. Companies and public organisations need to innovate faster, to be more efficient, more agile, more customer-centric and to ensure their continuity and security. At NRB, we aim to support our customers in the running, the optimisation and the transformation of their business by offering a complete range of ICT services and solutions.

Sibelga: de oprichting van een Data Hub om gegevens te exploiteren en consumenten innovatieve diensten aan te bieden

Sibelga heeft een nieuwe mobiele applicatie ontwikkeld waarmee gebruikers hun energiekosten beter kunnen beheersen. Herbert Carracillo, CIO van de in Brussel gevestigde netbeheerder, legt het belang uit van digitale transformatie en data-exploitatie voor een bedrijf als Sibelga.


Sibelga : la création d’un Data Hub pour exploiter des données et offrir des services innovants aux consommateurs

Sibelga a développé une nouvelle application mobile pour permettre à ses utilisateurs de mieux maitriser leurs dépenses énergétiques. Herbert Carracillo, le CIO du gestionnaire de réseau bruxellois, nous explique l’importance de la transformation digitale et de l’exploitation des données pour une entreprise comme Sibelga.



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Published on 03/07/2024

NRB and ULiège have joined forces to create a Chair dedicated to the research and development of AI and, more specifically, LLMs (Large Language Models).

Published on 19/06/2024

NRB, a leading IT services provider in Belgium and Europe, is proud to have obtained ISO 14001 certification. This international standard validates our commitment to environmental protection and our efforts to reduce the carbon footprint of our own activities and those of our clients.



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New technologies such as artificial intelligence and the preponderance of cybersecurity are compelling companies to constantly strengthen their IT teams. Unfortunately, finding a good IT expert with availability is proving very difficult in a highly competitive market.

NRB has more than two hundred consultants available immediately, benefiting from the know-how and rigour of our company.


Cybersecurity is one of the main areas of concern for companies, aware of both the serious consequences that an attack can have for business and the degree of expertise necessary to establish a robust and effective line of defence.


Case stories

  • Magotteaux

    Magotteaux called on NRB to successfully migrate its Microsoft 365 tenant to its parent company, the Sigdo Koppers group.

  • Sibelga

    Discover how the collaboration between Sibelga and NRB, the operator of the Brussels gas and electricity distribution network, helps meet the new eco-respons

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